We help you make the changes to build a better Life.

Headquartered in Havertown, Pennsylvania, American Treatment Network is committed to caring for you or your loved one with a whole-person approach to care in one location. We have intelligently designed a three prong approach which consists of Behavioral Healthcare, Substance Use Disorder Care, and Physical Health Care combined to help patients overcome opioid and alcohol addiction and achieve sustainable sobriety.

The American Treatment Network


At American Treatment Network, our goal is for each person that comes to us for treatment achieves lifelong sobriety.

The American Treatment Network


At American Treatment Network, our goal is for each person that comes to us for treatment achieves lifelong sobriety.

Our team of seasoned Medical Industry Professionals has extensive experience in substance abuse recovery. Through our careers in the field, we realized that opioid abuse was a National epidemic that affects people from all walks of life and was not being treated effectively through the traditional healthcare system.

The problem we found was that the traditional system did not treat the whole person, only the acute symptoms of the disorder. We believe that addiction will never be fully healed by administering a band aid. As a result we were activated to join forces and fill that void in service delivery by creating a strengths-based perspective that focuses on the patient’s needs and treats the whole person with immediate access to Behavioral & Physical Healthcare in conjunction with Addiction Treatment.

Our Team

Our team of caring professionals includes Medical Doctors, Psychiatrists, Holistic Experts, Master’s-Level Licensed Therapists, Peer Recovery Support Specialists and Care Coordinators who work compassionately and collaboratively to assess and create the most effective treatment program possible for each individual patient and their family.

Matthew Judge Sullivan, Chief Executive Officer

Matthew Judge Sullivan

Chief Executive Officer

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Thomas Connor

Chief Operations Officer

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Dr. Robert Cerrato, DO, Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Robert Cerrato, DO

Chief Medical Officer

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Adrienne Kirby, PhD, FACHE, Board Chair

Adrienne Kirby, PhD, FACHE

Board Chair

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Let Our Team Help You Today

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Substance abuse clinic staff in Havertown, PA.

Our Mission

We are dedicated to delivering evidence-based, trauma competent behavioral health and addiction programming that is proven to transform and heal the lives impacted by addiction and substance use. We strive to minimize the pain of addiction by restoring emotional and physical health, spirituality, hope and renewed relationships. This in turn prepares individuals and families for lifelong recovery.

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Our Mission

We are dedicated to delivering evidence-based, trauma competent behavioral health and addiction programming that is proven to transform and heal the lives impacted by addiction and substance use. We strive to minimize the pain of addiction by restoring emotional and physical health, spirituality, hope and renewed relationships. This in turn prepares individuals and families for lifelong recovery.

Get Started
Substance abuse clinic staff in Havertown, PA.